Commodity, a perfume brand distinguished by its unique approach to fragrance intensity, sought to redefine and promote its “Scent Space” concept through a captivating advertising campaign. The core of Commodity’s offering—Personal, Expressive, and Bold scent intensities—inspired our visual storytelling approach that utilized shifting perspectives to symbolize the varying sensory experiences each fragrance intensity offers.
One of the most impactful pieces in the campaign was the “Hands” advertisement, which significantly resonated with our audience. In this ad, a central model is depicted holding a bottle of each Commodity scent, representing the each tier of Scent Space. As the scent intensity escalates from Personal to Expressive to Bold, additional hands appear around her, each more dynamic and animated than the last. The camera’s positioning strategically conceals the bodies attached to these hands, crafting an alluring and somewhat mysterious aura. This effective use of perspective and imagery beautifully encapsulated the essence of Commodity’s Scent Space, visually narrating the transition from a subtle to powerful presence.
The ad garnered so much success that it secured a brief stint in New York’s iconic Times Square, amplifying its visibility and impact on a grand scale.